Muslim Migrant REFUSES To Let Cops Check His Bag, Gets BRUTAL Wake Up Call On American Law!

What happened to the good ol’ days? When the immigrants were coming to America to seize new opportunities and better chances to live and they were grateful and happy to be accepted as one of our owns.
They used to comprehend with Americans, accepting our laws, culture and way of living. But  unfortunately these days are now over. Now we have Muslim immigrants that are arriving on our land just to make a mess.
All they want is to enforce their own laws and take over the existing ones. Good example for this is a recent Muslim immigrant who thought that he can disobey the the law-enforcement and get away with it.
Hesham El-Melingy, the founder of Islamic Civic Association located on Staten Island was stopped for a bag check while he was entering the Staten Island Ferry.
He could’ve just give his baggage for a check and continue his travel, but he’d rather make a scene. He claimed that his religion was the reason that he was asked for checking. He was quickly arrested for resisting the police orders
Although the reason what El-Meligy was stopped to be checked was only a security measure, he wanted to make a noise throughout America.
The police is always careful not to “racially profile” people and convicts just so they won’tbe sued by anyone. The ICA leader made this scene just to make inconvenient for the security to check other Muslims which may be jihadist who threaten our safety.
El- Meligy’s complains about this situation can be heard in a video that went viral.
According to Staten Island Advance:
“A religious and political activist on Staten Island claims he was placed in handcuffs, frisked and issued two summonses by NYPD officers based on the way he looks.
Hesham El-Meligy, a Muslim who was born in Egypt, was temporarily detained and searched by police at about 8 a.m. Wednesday at the Staten Island Ferry terminal in St. George, after he refused a random bag check.
After a search of his backpack, he has issued summonses for trespassing and disorderly conduct and allowed on to the ferry, police said Thursday.”
El-Meligy claims that he wasn’t a random pick. He’s saying that there were couple of people in front of him that weren’t asked for a check. He used the social media to share that he was selected for security check just because he has Egyptian ancestry.
“I have no doubt that many (people) are in fact stopped randomly, but the manner this was done in my particular case made it feel different,” he El-Meligy.
El-Meligy  describes his conversation with the NYPD detective like this:
“I said ‘no thank you,’ said El-Meligy. “He replied that he’s not asking me, but telling me, and I replied again, ‘no, thank you.’”
The NYPD detective Kellyann Ort said that the ICA founder wasn’t personally selected, and there is no such thing as racial discrimination in their work.
“There’s no science to it,” said Det. Kellyann Ort. “It’s like flipping a coin.”…“Many other people had their bags checked during that same time frame.”
But El-Meligy claimed that the NYPD  were invading the Fourth Amendment that protects people’s rights against  “unreasonable searches and seizures… and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause.”
As the NYPD policy is stated, if the traveler is denying handling over their baggage, they have to find another way of them transporting it.
El-Meligy added that this policy also violates his rights:
“It is an infringement of my right to travel freely without molestation and due process of the law.”
The thing is, ever since 2005, random bag-checks are common in NYC transportation centers. It has been like this from the day that there was an alarm about the bomb-incidents that happened in London back then
So, El-Meligy should stop trying to convince everyone that the world is planning conspiracy against him.
The check was indeed random, you could either believe it or not. In order to protect our country, measures like this exist since the tragic 9/11. It is completely normal for officials to protect their people from the Muslim terrorists when they are responsible for killing thousands Americans through the years.
But to emphasize, this had nothing to do with El-Meligy’s RANDOM security check.. As The NYPD noted that “many other people had their bags checked during that same time frame,” including whites, blacks, and Hispanics.
When we live in a world where terrorist attacks happen every day, it is normal to check the begs of people that are entering our country. If El-Meligy is not agreeing with this, then I guess he should pack his bags and leave the U.S. for good.
We are just protecting our country and following the MAGA plan! Don’t you agree?


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