“I Don’t Give A Damn Whose Careers Are Ruined” – Look Trey Gowdy Go After Lynch and Clinton
Hillary Clinton should have been charged for her inability to properly manage her email system. She broke the law. Former FBI Director James Comey rewrote the law to let her off the hook. Andrew C. McCarthy wrote a great piece about it when that controversy was developing.

Not only that, Director Comey had already started writing his letter exonerating Hillary Clinton before he even interviewed her.

Not only that, Director Comey had already started writing his letter exonerating Hillary Clinton before he even interviewed her.
From Fox News:
The FBI released documents Monday proving former FBI Director James Comey began drafting a letter regarding Hillary Clinton’s email investigation months before conducting several key interviews, including speaking to Clinton herself.
The document release was titled “Drafts of Director Comeys July 5, 2016 Statement Regarding Email Server Investigation Part 01 of 01.”
The contents of the email were largely unclear as nearly all of it was redacted. The now-public records show the email titled “Midyear Exam — UNCLASSIFIED” was sent by Comey on May 2, 2016, to Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, general counsel James Baker and chief of staff and senior counselor James Rybicki.
On top of that, AG Loretta Lynch thought it was a good idea to meet up with Hillary’s husband on an airport tarmac while the investigation was in full swing.
But, don’t worry.
They just talked about their grandkids. The investigation that threatened to end Hillary’s political career didn’t even come up.
Yeah, right.
Now, Trey Gowdy is in the mix and he’s launching an investigation to get answers.
From Conservative Tribune:
House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy has announced, along with House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, that the two will be jointly investigating the Department of Justice’s handling of the investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server, saying that the department’s actions have left “a host of outstanding questions that must be answered.”
“Our justice system is represented by a blind-folded woman holding a set of scales… No entity or individual is exempt from oversight,” the two chairmen said in a statement Tuesday.
Gotta love that.
Here is what they will be looking into.
The “host of outstanding questions” pertain to subjects including, but not limited to:
“FBI’s decision to publicly announce the investigation into Secretary Clinton’s handling of classified information but not to publicly announce the investigation into campaign associates of then-candidate Donald Trump;
“FBI’s decision to notify Congress by formal letter of the status of the investigation both in October and November of 2016;
“FBI’s decision to appropriate full decision making in respect to charging or not charging Secretary Clinton to the FBI rather than the DOJ;
“FBI’s timeline in respect to charging decisions.”
Every single one of those issues is critically important.
Apparently, Gowdy is going pretty hard after Comey.
From Washington Examiner:
Rep. Trey Gowdy plans to grill former FBI Director James Comey about his decision-making as part of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee’s decision to re-examine the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server.
“Have to, won’t we?” the South Carolina Republican told the Washington Examiner when asked about interviewing Comey.
Gowdy chairs the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which has opened a joint investigation with the Judiciary Committee in order to review the Justice Department’s handling of the politically charged investigation. Gowdy is particularly concerned that “the decision to charge or not charge [Clinton] was made before all the witnesses were interviewed,” but he emphasized that the investigation topics are structured in a nonpartisan way.
Hard to think of someone better to put on this case than Gowdy.
This is just the tip of the iceberg for Hillary when it comes to her shady dealings. She’s still in big trouble for her pay to play slush fund she ran while she was at the State Department.
From Business Insider:
The embattled chairman of the House Intelligence Committee announced on Tuesday that he had opened an investigation in conjunction with the House oversight committee into a deal struck between the US and a predominantly Russia-owned uranium company based in Canada while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state.
Devin Nunes’ announcement came one week after The Hill published a report on a “racketeering scheme … designed to benefit former President Bill Clinton’s charitable foundation during the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton served on a government body that provided a favorable decision to Moscow.”
Hillary is in trouble. Lynch is in trouble. Comey is in trouble. Obama is in trouble.
Basically, every prominent liberal from the last few years of the Obama administration is realizing there’s a new sheriff in town and the games are over.
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