WATCH: Is Donald Trump a Legitimate President?

WOW. Let me just say, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU MIKE PENCE! Today you defended Donald Trump from pure liberal SABOTAGE in the most respectful and eloquent way possible.

He went on FOX News to talk about all that happened this weekend with Congressman John Lewis saying Trump was “not a legitimate President” and Trump striking back.
Chirs Wallace tried to be sneaky and put Mr. Pence into a corner by asking if it was “Okay” for Trump to call Lewis a “Do-Nothing” since he was a front-line fighter of the Civil Rights Movement.
Pence looked Chris in the eyes and gave the perfect response.
‘I think Donald Trump has the right to defend himself.’
Pence went on to explain,
“When someone of John Lewis’ stature, someone who is not only an icon in the civil rights movement but also someone who by virtue of his sacrifice on that day that we know as Bloody Sunday, he crossed the Edmund Pettus Bridge and it was through that the Voting Rights Act itself – for someone of his stature to use terms like, ‘this is not a legitimate president. AND I HOPE HE RECONSIDERS!!”
See? Donald Trump doesn’t wanna make enemies with these guys. He wants to help them. Not help them with their bad plans. He wants to help them by making our country united again!
Here's the VIDEO:
Do you agree with John Lewis or do you believe that Donald Trump is a legitimate President?


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